Saturday, December 29, 2012

Fake it until you Make it


Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Zig Ziglar taught me to “fake it until you make it”.  His meaning behind the phrase was even if you don’t feel like it, try to be happy in any situation.  Say it out loud.  You are supposed to wake up each morning and say, out loud, “I’m super great and I’m getting better!”  If you don’t feel that way, get a “check up from the neck up.”  Ok, I said all of that from memory from when I was 16.   I could go on and on with the Zig stories. He spoke at my graduation reception, we only had 12 graduate! 

Zig was merely taking a biblical application and putting it every day terms that didn’t sound spiritual, but the concept is completely spiritual in every way.  If you can’t do this in a practical manner, try faking it.  Your subconscious believes what ever you say, good or bad.  Do you have those tapes in your head telling you that you‘re a failure or your life is awful?  Replace them with different words, the opposite words.  Once your subconscious gets a taste of the positive affirmations, little things in your life will start to change.  It’s those little changes that will lead to big changes.  

God wants the best for us and sent His son to make sure we have a path to get His best.  If we deny God and choose to be miserable, we are throwing away a gift freely given to us.  It’s as if we are watching Jesus die on the cross right in front of our eyes, and then walking away never looking back or caring.  Can you imagine doing that to Jesus, the man that gave His life for you?   

Just try it friends, please.  You will be surprised at the goodness in your life if you just try to notice it!

Dear Lord, please help me to force myself to look at the good instead of the bad.  I want to change my thinking habits and see Your goodness in my life.

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